We're in the last drive to collect Candidate Petitions to qualify to have Frank Gregoire on the ballot for Pinellas County Property Appraiser. Rather than pay a qualifying fee of nearly $9,000.00 to the Supervisor of Elections, we are in the midst of collecting 6,200 Candidate Petitions.
Any registered voter in Pinellas County may complete a petition. It does not matter if the voter is registered as a Democrat, Republican or with no party affiliation. This is merely to make sure the voters have a choice in the upcoming election.
To get a copy of the petition, just go to the campaign website
Complete the petition with your name, birth date, residence address, signature and date. Drop it in the mail to the address on the petition. Please mail to arrive not later than MAY 16, 2008.
Here's a short clip to describe why this is necessary. THANKS for your help.