The name of the company is Gregoire & Gregoire, Inc.
The first “Gregoire” in the company is my father, Donald K. Gregoire, IFA.
Although retired from active appraisal work since 1995, he continued to offer
business advice, counsel, mentoring, and fatherly advice. Donald K. Gregoire,
also known as Big Daddy, BD, and Kem, passed from this life to the next on
Saturday, November 12, 2016. His love and wisdom will be sorely missed. His
dogged persistence, enthusiasm for life, and commitment to doing the right
thing will continue serve as an example for all fortunate to have met and
worked with him.
After his retirement from active appraisal work, his condominium association published a profile with a brief history of his life. Please take a look.
Don achieved, continuously during his time on earth. Among his earliest:
Rest in peace, Big Daddy.