Friday, September 17, 2010

Fannie Mae Announcement! - More of the Same

In a breathtaking SELLING POLICY UPDATE, Fannie Mae announces:

"Selling Notice: New Appraiser Independence Requirements Being Developed"

Fannie Mae has issued the following Notice (the entire text of the Notice is included in this e-mail):

Fannie Mae is working with the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to develop and adopt appraiser independence requirements that will replace the Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC). Until the revised requirements are released, the existing HVCC provisions in the Fannie Mae Selling Guide continue to apply. Updated requirements are expected to be substantially similar to the current provisions.

Pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, HVCC will sunset when interim final regulations are released to implement the appraisal independence-related provisions of the Act, which is expected to occur on or about October 21, 2010.

Fannie Mae is committed to supporting strong appraiser independence requirements. The revised requirements will maintain the spirit and intent of HVCC, and continue to provide important protections for mortgage investors, home buyers, and the housing market.

The revised appraiser independence requirements will be based on Fannie Mae's experience under the HVCC and will continue to support the integrity of the appraisal process. As part of the process to develop the revised requirements, Fannie Mae has received input from key industry participants.

Fannie Mae expects to announce the revised appraiser independence requirements in an upcoming Selling Guide announcement.
No surprise in this release. About a month ago, in a post providing my view of H.R. 4173, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, this prediction was made:

Modifications to the TILA include the appraisal independence standards, portability of appraisals, customary and reasonable appraisal fees and sunset of the HVCC. Although it may appear as though appraisers will benefit from this section of the new law, it’s a bit early to get our hopes up. In all likelihood, the new rules for selection and retention of appraisers will look much like the HVCC.
Let's see if my low expectations for the balance of the "reforms" are on target.


Edd said...

800 pound gorillas do whatever they want to do.

Edd said...


As I have commiserated previously, I no longer have great expectations. Nobody involved in HVCC or Dodd-Frank gives a toot for appraisers or for that matter appraisals.
The fix, if any, will come from us. I got into a blog about disappearing appraisers (shame on me) the other day (or two). Most participants were appraisers and most of those were licensed. My hopes that we can garner more than a token force of quality minded (my defintion of quality to be used) appraisers is dimming.